Thursday, January 29, 2009

Suicide at Priest Rock?

I just heard from a local fisherman, that a crewmember on the Arctic Fox commited suicide by jumping overboard going around Priest Rock....a fellow crewmember got into a survival suit & jumped in the water, and apparently the suicidal guy pushed him away....he also refused to grab lines that were tossed to him.

How terribly sad, and what a horrible way to's bad enough when it's an accident but what a way to kill yourself..

Prayers go out to his family! Maybe now, he can rest in peace?


  1. At first I thought "that can't be true" but it's been confirmed...all I know is his name was Mike...

  2. ya, cookie doughs hubby just called and confirmed that, he said that they just saw the boat fulling gear last night...too sad.

  3. So very sad....I feel bad for his can't be an easy thing to accept....

  4. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and to those of you in the Unalaska community.

  5. He's prob not from here, but it's still very awful! What a way to go, BRRR! (we're not having a good week here)

    I hope the-show-that-shall-not-be-named doesn't ...ohh never mind they'll talk about it...

    And geez maybe my hubby could talk to me too?? LOL I was actually WORKING..ahem...

  6. no shit.. did you hear who it was? I have a cousin on that boat!!!

  7. Thats a horrible way to go. Thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends and fellow crew members.

  8. Wow. That is tragic indeed. Sympathies to the family and friends and to everyone touched by this.

  9. That's so sad! My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends and those on the boat.

  10. Wow, I hadn't heard that . . . that is incredibly sad news . . .

  11. That indeed is very sad news this morning. I too am sending thoughts and prayers to the family and all that have touched this man's life. And, cookiedough, I would too hope that "the show that shall not be named" would pass on this as this story has no form of entertainment.
