Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rest in Peace, Captain :(

Captain Leon from the Alaska Victory passed away last night due to a heart attack...he was at home in Alabama. He was only 67 years old.

He will be missed.....please say a prayer for his family.

I believe he lived in Mississippi......not Alabama...regardless, We will miss him!


  1. Oh, that's so sad. My prayers and thoughts go out to the family. Would you do a posting about the AK Victory? I would love to read it and learn more about other boats (besides the boat that won't be named - don't want to get off target here because it is very sad).

  2. Hi Lori, I don't really know much about the Victory except that it is a factory trawler, same kind my husband is the captain of....I'll see what I can do as far as photos and a brief story about what they do...would that work?


  3. Hey, Laurie...hugs! Give one to Sherri for me, too.
    I googled the boats name and found a pic on one site...has pics of Scott's Warrior, too. To my untrained eye, they look pretty much the same.

    Package came.. ;-) Thanks Hon..kinda cool looking..must've been a draft.... :-)
