Saturday, September 5, 2009

End of the "Summer Reading Program" Party

Today was the official end of summer....well, the Summer Reading Program anyway....It was really fun and we had a great turn-out....
Kaden Lynch was enjoying his "tat"....he got one on the back of his leg also...
You can see the delight on little Ms. Caudillo's face as she gazes at her tattoo.

Abbey Newkirk holding little Kinley Lynch....she is so cute!

Annamarie (library staff) cutting the cake (and smiling her head off!)

We had rock stars.....this is Max Robinson playing lead guitar!

Addilyn Selle hamming it up for the camera (I think that's ham in her mouth too!)

Dakota Baker looking so sweet (she really is a sweetheart and as cute as can be!)

Here is Abbey again, this time holding her own boy...Easton. He is a DOLL!

Linda Ellsworth made this great cake! The theme this year was Be Creative @ Your Library....the cake turned out looking AND tasting GREAT!

And YUM YUM! The spinach dip was to die for. Thanks to Mary Berikoff for making this....(I sneakily put a bowl in the fridge for myself, just in case it was gone before I got a chance to eat!) Shhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone.
Thanks to all the volunteers and library staff who made this party such a success....The Grand Aleutian Hotel catered some of the food, as did Planet Dutch (we had california rolls and egg rolls from them) Veggie tray, Fruit tray, meat & cheese tray from the Grand....hmmmm, why is it ALWAYS about the food????


  1. This has been the most intense party day in months...I can think of 5 of them off the top of my head!
    I haven't had spinach dip in ages! Sooo need to make it!

  2. Looks like great fun at the Library....had I known...I'da brought G by. ;-D
    YUMMM on the spinach dip...I could, actually have, made a meal out of that!! :-D

  3. Looks like lots of fun. I am impressed with all of the great things the library does. Good job, all!

  4. Too cute! Sounds like a great time and good food - and yes, it's always about the food - LOL!
    p.s. I'm back - will email you when I can about the trip - it was great (better than I expected)!
