Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Making S**T Up

One of my favorite photos of Elmo....what a sweetheart!

I know I haven't posted in a week or so...cookie stopped by the library today and mentioned it. I told her nothing was going on, I have nothing to talk about...she said "make something up". I could make a whole lot of stuff up....but don't have the energy. I was sick for a couple of days last week...still had to come to work though. I came in at 9am on Saturday....I was back home in bed by 9:45am that day! I didn't feel horrible, just under the weather, but I knew if I didn't take care of myself I would regret it. So I feel alot better now...
My husband to be got to come home on Sunday night for about 3 hours, we made the most of that little bit of time (wink wink) ;)....then back to the boat for's soooo sad leaving the dock when the boat is still tied up, knowing he is sooo close, yet, he may as well be a million miles away. He should be in about every 10-12 days...and if it's timed right, I'll get to kidnap him for a few hours each time.

What else, let's see....the weather certainly is weird, I thought for sure when I woke up this morning, CB's wish for "one more storm" was going to come true, it was snowing....but now it's as beautiful outside right now as I've ever seen it. Perioidic snow squalls come and it snows like crazy (big fat snowflakes)...then stops just as suddenly. Sorry, CB....on a brighter note for CB...I ran into Phil and Jake (or Josh) at the airport during lunch, so that means the CM is at the dock. I'm sure we'll see some photos on his blog very soon (if they aren't up already :).
Thank goodness Katherine is back....finally am well enough to get my hair cut and my "natural" highlights reapplied.....Whew!
Okay, I'll make up more stuff later for cookie's amusement....til then....have a great HUMP day!


  1. your funny.... Like Wayne Brady's Vegas show - your Making $H^t up... LMAO

    (wink, wink)
    hopefully the times work out great for you ;)

    what kind of fishing is he doing? my hubby was curious :)

    Elmo looks like a big lover!

  2. Hi April,
    We do make the best of the time we have together....he's gone sooo much!

    He just got done fishing mackeral, now they are fishing for yellowfin...(I wish it were halibut or crab :)

    Elmo is a big love muffin!

    I love your babies....they look so happy and loved!

  3. Hi Lauri - was wondering too why you hadn't blogged in a while, remembered you had been feeling under the weather, so hope you are much better now. I love Elmo! He's soooooo cute! Is he a lab?

    I find the story about your hubby interesting as you said he's on a boat and fishing, so does that mean he goes "out" and doesn't return for XX number of days? Then he gets "shore" leave and runs home to you? LOL - wink, wink!

  4. Lauri - I have missed your blog too. I work on a surgical unit, and some days are rough. I always look forward to comimg home, and seeing what's going on in your world. You almost always bring a smile to my smile. Thanks!!

  5. Remember my NY resolution? To be more consistent about blogging? Well, it seems I have failed...LOL But I'll try harder to post more frequently.... honey is out fishing for 10-12 days at a time, then he offloads his catch to a tramper (about 20 hours)....THEN to the dock for fuel, food and misc stuff. If timing is right, I get to see him for a few hours max! At least during offload time, he is in cell phone range, so I can talk to him whenever I want...just can't see or touch him :(

    Zander - sounds like you have a stressful job...must be truly rewarding. Thank God for people like you!

  6. ohhh my I'm feeling bad! I don't even blog about my husband's comings and goings (most of the time)! He goes out...he comes home life goes on LOL it's been 22 years of him being at sea half the time. I'm so used to it that it's just a part of life. I did miss him a couple of months ago, I remember writing that LOL

  7. I've only been with Scott for 1 year (almost exactly!)....I probably won't be blogging about his comings/goings in 22 years (I'll be too old to blog LOL)...but we know you love your man, cookie!

  8. My Aleutian Islands book arrived this week. It is so much more than a coffee table picture book. There is real history and new information throughout this volume.

    Glad you recommended it

  9. I ordered a 2nd book, sending mine home with my girlfriend! So she can show everyone in Kentucky WHY she traveled 2 days to visit the Aleutians!! I got a 15% off I got it for a total of 25% off and free shipping... I LOVE BARNES AND NOBLE!
