Another subject that comes up quite frequently is "now that the Elbow Room/Latitudes is closed, where does one go for a drink?" Well, while we do miss the Elbow Room/Latitudes, there are a few other places to throw back a few beers....the first is our home away from home...aka the "Office", aka the Airport bar and restaurant, it's close to home and we feel comfortable there. Next is the Grand Aleutian Hotel....the atmosphere is akin to a piano bar, they have open mic night every Thursday, and comfy chairs, not to mention wireless internet for those who choose to drink and blog (Not this blogger though ;)...finally there is the Harbor View Inn, formerly known as the Sports Bar. They just completed a remodel of the place, and it's not as cozy as it was before...they are trying to "class up" the place. I had to remind them that even thought the place LOOKS classier, the clientele doesn't. So, that's the story on that....Enjoy the photos and stay tuned for more (hopefully not as boring posts). Oh yeah, tolerating the long, dark days of winter? We sleep ALOT...hahaha and visit the aforementioned "watering holes", drink ALOT of duck farts, and if the husband is in town, SNUGGLE UP WITH HIM...if he's not, grab a warm, fluffy dog, a down comforter and plop on the couch.
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