Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween and a couple of scenery pics

Well, it was a wild Halloween weekend....Scott and I attended the festivities dressed as the Ghoul School Prom King and Queen....we went to a party at the Harbor View Inn and walked away with FIRST prize for our costumes. We walked away with $300....woooo hoooo The photos were taken with our bartender, drinking a duck fart, toasting the the girls in Baltimore! Love ya cuzins!
Attached are photos of us in full regalia (sp?)....and a couple of photos taken by the Queen of Dutch Harbor, Sherrie...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. AWESOME costumes !!! You look great ! And thanks for the Duck Fart Salute too :)

  3. Aaaaaaaand you want my daughter to attend school up there???? eeewwww...
    You all look great!
    LOVE the picture of the boat and Rainbow...especially considering the name of the boat. Blows the rainbow I caught on the web (see my Facebook Profile album)

  4. Hi Lauri - I was turned on to your blog by AlaskaSteve. I'm an avid DC fan and enjoy the pictures you are posting on the boats! And thanks for the inside tip on the new boat, the Lisa Marie. Congrats to you and Scott! May you have a long and happy life together!

    Lori (from Florida)
